Wednesday, 11 November 2009


The line of Carpenters did not descend from those working at the profession of carpentry. It is said to be descended from the De Melun Family. There was a knight by the name of William at the battle of Hastings, 1066 AD. In the midst of the battle he was crippled and he lost his sword. He was forced to fight on foot. He began swinging at his enemies with his battle axe. William survived the battle. His friends rewarded him with the title "Le Carpentier" His strength and ability with the English battle axe was associated with the strength and precision of the carpenter trade.

William, the Knight of Melun became known as "William the Carpenter". His descendents became known as "of the carpenter" and later shortened to the surname, Carpenter.

"Guillaume I., of name, Viscount of Melun, was surnamed, Carpenter, because no weapon (opponents weapons that is) could be found that could resist the power of strikes. The heaviness of his (weapons) resulted in him being feared in combats.

Grand Dictionaire Universel DU XIX Siecle Paris 1873 Tome 10 (p. 1488)